Today’s Increasing Screen Time And The Growing Risk Of Declining Vision

playing video games

Although much of the younger generation have become more technologically inclined as the years go by, we also acknowledge that there are drawbacks to constantly having a screen right in front of your face. Therefore, it’s always been a common principle to regulate and be responsible with your screen time, and it’s the parents’ job to set a good example and teach their kids the do’s and don’ts with their gadgets.

However, given the circumstances that the Covid-19 global pandemic plunged the world in, it’s become near impossible not to stay connected to the digital world and not avoid using your laptops, phones, and other gadgets for the entire day. As a result, an alarming trend of declining vision also follows suit, with increasing screen times being inevitable. And so, today, we’ll be going over why families need to take the initiative and just how they should go about addressing this issue.

Why Long Screen Times Have Become Unavoidable

Before we get carried away in addressing the steps to fix this problem, we must first understand the context behind it and why long screen times have become unavoidable these past few months. And, while we can point out several factors, the two most notable are (1) the emerging new norm of remote work and education and (2) children having no alternative outlet for entertainment.

  • Remote Work And Education As The New Norm: At the initial outbreak of the pandemic, we saw the necessity for remote work and education to reduce the risk of contracting the virus. However, even months after the lockdowns, these have become the new norm that people have grown accustomed to. And in order to participate in these activities, gadget use and screen times are naturally part of it.
  • Children Having No Other Outlet For Entertainment: Unlike pre-pandemic times when your kids could go out to play with friends and family, most options for entertainment nowadays are secluded to the indoors. And while we’ve made progress in allowing more people to go out and move about, most kids have now built a preference to just staying inside.

Regulate The Family’s Electronic Use

watching a television

Hence, the single-best solution for this screen time issue is for parents to regulate the entire family’s electronic use to make it fair for everyone and hopefully emphasize the importance of their well-being. And while it will most certainly take time and a couple of bumps along the road, making this necessary shift will prove beneficial in the long term.

#1 No Phones In The Kitchen Please

An excellent rule to implement at home is to ensure that no phones ever get used on the kitchen table. We are all very familiar with the dinner table scene where everyone seems far too absorbed in their phones that nobody bats an eye at each other or even the meal, but it’s now we change things up. Sure, it might not wipe out a huge chunk of screen time, but it’s a great place to start and will also brighten up the next time you guys have dinner.

#2 Parental Controls On Internet Use

When everyone retreats back to their bedrooms, most rules get thrown out the door, and your kids get full freedom in staying up late to binge and play all they want. And it’s when we decide to cut back on much-needed rest for extra hours scrolling through our phones that often make the most negative impact on our vision. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you assume parental controls on internet use and limit the number of accessible websites after a certain time.

#3 Encourage Other Fun Activities

Last but not least, apart from imposing rules, we also recommend directly providing your children with alternatives and encouraging them to do other fun activities. From gardening to camping out in the backyard, there’s a myriad of hobbies and skills you can replace aimlessly scrolling and racking up screen time. Furthermore, we recommend that you also participate in these activities to both reinforce doing them and help cut back on your personal screen time as well.

Other Forms Of Vision Correction

Likewise, despite our best efforts to cut down screen time to help improve our eye health, there are other forms of vision correction, both direct and indirect, that can help alleviate any issues you or your kids might go through. And while we still recommend the regulation of screen time, these other forms of vision correction must also be considered.

  • Eye Surgery And Implants: In cases wherein it’s gone past the point of no return, and simple habit changes won’t help, modern corrective eye surgery and implants such as visian ICL surgery have come a long way and have been capable of showing outstanding results. Although the operation will cost you quite a bit, it will most certainly give you a fresh start and a brand new look at the world.
  • A Healthier Lifestyle: Of course, at the end of the day, pursuing a healthier lifestyle will also improve eye health and reduce the negative impact of prolonged screen time. Getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and engaging in physical exercise as a family will undoubtedly counteract any of the bad effects.

Take Good Care Of Your Eyesight For It Is A Blessing

In conclusion, we want to emphasize that eyesight is a blessing, and it’s only natural that we care for it as best we can. And even though that might prove challenging due to Covid-19, we must also adapt accordingly to come out stronger.

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