Taking Control of Your Growing Contracting Business

contractor with clients
  • Create a long-term plan with SMART goals, strategies, vision, and organization. You can also consider investing in estimating software like Biddi.
  • Implement efficient systems and processes to automate repetitive tasks. You can also invest in modern technology and project management software.
  • Hire the right people with the proper competencies, experience, and work ethic. Provide training and advancement opportunities.
  • Keep a close eye on your finances by reviewing your financial numbers regularly.
  • Nurture relationships with clients and partners by providing excellent customer service, proactive communication, and consistently delivering quality work.

Congratulations on the growth of your contracting business! A rapidly growing business can be exciting but can also mean more complex management tasks for you as the owner. This is why taking control of your growing contracting business is necessary.

It is essential to have the right tools and strategies in place to keep up with your business’s growth while maintaining its profitability, reputation, and client pool. To help you with this task, here are valuable tips for taking control of your growing contracting business.

Develop a long-term plan.

A long-term plan is essential for your contracting business. Think of it as your organization’s roadmap for the future. It should include the following four factors:


Set realistic goals that you can measure and track over time. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Additionally, make sure to set short-term and long-term goals.


Your strategy will determine how you approach achieving your goals. It should include a marketing plan and research into what methods have worked best for similar businesses. Additionally, consider adding strategies for innovation and growth.


Your vision is the big picture of where you want to take your business in the future. This should be something that motivates you and your team to keep striving for success.


As your business grows, your organizational structure will become more complex. Make sure all roles are clear, and everyone knows their responsibilities. Additionally, make sure you have the right tools and resources in place to help manage your expanding operations.

By creating a sound long-term plan for your business, you’ll be able to take control of it and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.

Implement efficient systems and processes.


Implementing efficient systems and processes is a must for managing your growing business. Streamlining your workflow and automating repetitive tasks can reduce administrative burden, hasten operations, improve employee productivity, and ultimately increase profitability. Invest in modern technology and project management software to help you in your day-to-day operations.

You should also consider investing in estimating software for contractors. Biddi, for example, can help your contracting business decrease the time it spends on bidding, increase its win rate, and boost overall profitability. If you get the Biddi app, you’ll also find other features that can help you, such as a profit calculator, timeline generator, smart scheduler, etc. This could be an excellent investment for your business.

Hire the right people.

Your employees are assets to your growing contracting business. To ensure your organization’s growth, hire people with the proper competencies, experience, and work ethic. Offering a positive work environment coupled with competitive wages and salaries will encourage retention, strengthen staff motivation and improve productivity. Also, provide training and advancement opportunities to help your team members expand their capabilities.

Keep a close eye on finances.

Keeping a close eye on your finances is vital for managing your business successfully. Regular review of your financial numbers and performance metrics helps in identifying opportunities for efficiency gains and cost reduction, which can increase profitability.

Follow your budget and project margins closely, and keep in mind to save for rainy days or any unexpected expenses. In addition, stay on top of your cash flow and receivables to ensure financial stability.

Nurture relationships with clients and partners.


Your clients and partners are vital for your growing contracting business. Nurture strong relationships with them by providing excellent customer service, proactive communication, and consistently delivering quality work.

Nurture good relationships with local suppliers, banks, and government partnerships too. Networking is an essential aspect of relationship building. Attend industry events, join professional associations or groups, and participate actively in social media platforms to meet potential clients and partners.

Taking control of your growing contracting business is important to ensure its profitability and reputation. You can manage your expanding operations by developing a long-term plan, implementing efficient systems and processes, hiring the right people, keeping a close eye on finances, and nurturing relationships with clients and partners. With these tips, you’ll be well-equipped to take charge of your quickly growing business!

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