Do Not Use a Bow Window When You Actually Need a Bay Window

bay window

To an Ontarian with a trained eye, the distinctions between bay and bow windows are clear as day. But to non-experts, the differences are harder to spot. Naturally, it is all too easy to choose between them incorrectly.

For starters, here are some of the scenarios where you should pick a bay window over its cousin:

You Have a House of Modern or Contemporary Architecture

First of all, bay windows have angled while bow units have curves. Any expert in window installation services in Sudbury will tell you that the latter is almost always a bad choice for non-traditional houses. Their less angular appearance feels more at home with the old-world charm of architectural styles that do not share the Modern aesthetic.

Modern and contemporary houses are more simplistic. They do not tolerate elements with fancy shapes as much as older architectural designs do. If you must have a projecting window, make sure its side units are set at a 30°, 45°, 60°, or 90° angle to achieve a boxier look.

You Like to Emphasize Asymmetry

Bay windows generally have three glass panels in different sizes. In contrary, bow units have about four to six fixtures in equal dimensions.

Clearly, a bay window system is what you should have if you want an asymmetrical set of sashes. There is nothing wrong with uniform sub-units, but they are not suitable if your architecture places a premium on unevenness.

You Hope to Frame an Unbroken View

The glass panels of bow windows are usually adorned with grids. The same can be said about those of bay units, but the center sash is often devoid of any decoration. It is often fixed too, so it is not intended for ventilation. Rather, it is designed for taking a snapshot of the outside world.

You Do Not Have a Lot of Wall Space

To be clear, both bay and bow windows need a lot of wall area since they consist of several glass units. However, the former is typically smaller in collective size. Do not use a bow window system if you do not want the glass panels to appear compressed.

You Want to Have More than Just a Window Seat

The beauty of having a projecting window is an additional floor area. Either bay or bow window can increase your home’s usable real estate and create enough room for a window seat. However, you should select a bay unit if you wish to have a bigger piece of furniture like a daybed.

You Are Not Wrapping around a Corner

One area where bow windows generally beat bay units is the corners. The curvature of a bow window forms a unique exterior spot, which admittedly brings an interesting architectural flair. Unless this is the application you are thinking about, always consider a bay window first.

A small mistake like picking a bow window instead of a bay unit incorrectly can be big enough to ruin the charm and functionality of your house. With so many products to choose from, seek expert advice from a seasoned professional to learn about the pitfalls of each window option.

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