What Is Occupational Medicine and Why Every Workplace Should Have It

packings of pills and capsules of medicines


Many employers make the mistake of not prioritizing their employees’ welfare. They feel that it could only add to their expenses and granting sick leaves and standard healthcare would be sufficient.

On the other hand, other employers are aware of the benefits of a healthy workforce. These employers can see the long-term benefits of investing in a healthcare franchise that provides occupational medicine and treatment.

What is Occupational Medicine?

The basic purpose of occupational medicine is to provide a safe and healthy work environment by preventing or minimizing the probability of work-related diseases. Occupational medicine also ensures that the employees would be in the best ability to work.

This might sound simple but recent studies have pegged industry costs due to workplace injury at $50 billion (in direct compensation costs). If these were directed towards prevention, then it would have also saved both employers and employees a great deal of trauma, aside from the financial repercussions.

Components of Effective Occupational Medicine

The primary component of Occupational Medicine is Health Risk Assessments or Fit-to-Work tests. These should be done periodically to make sure the employees, as vital parts of the company, are not on the verge of bogging down.

Aside from assessments, occupational medicine should be about prevention and enriching the employees’ health knowledge. There are many ways to nurture this, with the basics such as Nutrition Coaching, Health and Fitness Coaching and Weight Loss Training.

There are other classes and workshops that can focus on diseases that are prevalent in the industry. An example would be a class on preventing strokes, which often happens to workers in the night shift and those who work long hours. These measures will raise employee awareness of the importance of their health.

Benefits of Occupational Medicine

Aside from preventing costs arising from injury, there are other benefits that come with occupational medicine. Firstly, its implementation means the company is conforming to health and safety legislation.

Second, the employer is sending a message that the company genuinely cares about their employees’ welfare. This will result in improved staff motivation and performance, which will ultimately increase productivity in the long run.

Third, if the staff are properly evaluated, they would be assigned in the working conditions best suited for them. This will result in low employee turnover and improved attendance. It will also raise the reputation of the company as an employer.

Fourth, these steps will lead to the prevention of disabling illness/disease that can cost the company. Aside from compensation and medical liability, employers also need to replace the employee. That is not an easy task and causes substantial losses not just in monetary terms but also in the loss of continuity and cost of training.

Employee taking in medicine with water

When there are accidents or disabling disease occurring in the workplace, the company would not

Only face medical costs but possible legal costs as well. Claims from permanent disability, if proven in court, can reach thousands of dollars. Occupational medicine seeks to avoid these complications.

The relationship between employers and employees should be a harmonious one, as both sides spend the best of their days with each other. With the proven connections between physical health and mental/emotional stability, occupational medicine truly becomes a necessity for every workplace.

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