Fitting out your offices can significantly enhance the working environment and increase productivity in your business. However, going about the project without proper planning and execution can have catastrophic consequences for the organisation.
So how can you ensure that you avoid the pitfalls and get it right from the outset? Here are five smart tips to guide you.
Set a Realistic Budget
A successful office renovation ranks among the most significant chunks of expenditure you’ll ever undertake. Starting the project with a realistic budget, therefore, is crucial. You’ll need to adopt a rigorous approach to get things right.
If you have trouble knowing everything you need to factor into the budget, consider talking to one of the seasoned construction companies in New Zealand for guidance. Generally, you’ll need to think about floor coverings, ceiling, partitions, furniture, reception, and so on.
Hire a Strong Design Team
There are lots of office fit-out agencies in the city, but not all of them can deliver the results you want. That’s why you need to take the time to identify a design team that you will not disappoint you. Look for referrals of the best designers in town, and interview several of them before you make up your final decision.
Ask to see their previous projects, so you know exactly what to expect. Keep in mind that the best design teams are hardly ever the cheapest in the market.
Involve Your Employees from the Start
The primary reason you’re planning an office fit-out is that you’d like to improve employee experience in your company. For this reason, it’s crucial that you communicate with your employees and get their input on what they’d like in their refurbished offices. If the fit-out leads to new ways of working, then let your staff know early enough.
The more you involve your workers in the project, the higher the likelihood that they will love the result of the fit-out.
Incorporate Latest Trends
Most modern office spaces have faster and more creative means of communication. Teleconferencing, for instance, is one of the recent trends that you may want to include in your new fit-out. Make the lobby and foyer as engaging as possible.
Many people are also choosing to incorporate office staircases in their fit-outs. The idea is to enhance collaboration between staff working in different areas of the business.
Stick to Your Priorities
The new office environment needs to reflect your business vision perfectly. Set your priorities right from the beginning. For instance, is your top priority to enhance wellness by building a staircase, with the second priority being to upgrade your IT system?
Knowing what’s most essential guides you as you undertake the fit-out. Ultimately, any office fit-out should be aimed at enhancing employee and client experience.
Carrying out a successful office fit-out does not need to be a complicated, expensive affair. With thorough planning, clear communication, and smart budget setting, you can execute and manage a commercial office fit-out that meets your high expectations.