6 Tips to Follow Before Moving Into a New Home

movers transporting boxes

It’s often exciting to move into a new home. There’s always the fun part of deciding what goes where; it’s an opportunity to start anew. This activity, however, is also usually associated with a few challenges. For example, you may have a hard time leaving your current home with all the memories you’ve made there. You also can’t just pack your bags and then unpack immediately at your new place. There are some things you should do first. Here is a list.

1. Inspect Your New Home First

It’s a good idea to get the keys and inspect your new home first before moving in. When you do this, make sure to have some cleaning supplies in your car, such as rubber gloves, a broom, scrubbers, microfiber cloths, paper towels, a bucket, and others. You don’t know the condition of the house entirely, and it’s wise to check every nook and cranny for cleaning and repairs.

2. Call an Exterminator

Wherever you’re moving, it’s possible that a few pests have already beat you to it. Rats or mice, cockroaches, bed bugs, and other critters might be present in your new home. Look for handyman services in Chesapeake, VA, or wherever you’re moving, and ask about their exterminator services.

They will make sure you won’t have a problem with pests, and they can also plug up any holes where critters might enter. Think about getting termite treatment for your new home, as well.

3. Change the Locks

You can’t know for sure that you’re the only one with keys to your home if someone else lived in it before you. For your safety, change the locks on all your home’s entrances. Inspect all your windows, as well. Ask your handyman if they can do this for you or if they can recommend someone trustworthy who can.

person locking the door

4. Do a Deep Clean

Before unpacking your belongings, perform a deep clean of your new place. It’s best to begin with the bathrooms and the kitchen. These are areas known for harboring organisms, primarily because of the presence of moisture. You might also want to replace the toilet seats for more peace of mind.

You can even replace sinks, especially if scrubbing doesn’t remove the stains. If the old residents left some furniture, it’s often a good idea to remove it, especially if it has cushions, such as a bed or a sofa. Exterminators will probably support this idea, as old beds and cushioned seats might harbor bed bugs.

5. Get New Fire Extinguishers

Find a spot under the kitchen sink for a new fire extinguisher. You might also want to put one in the garage and in other areas. You can never have too many. If there are smoke detectors and other such safety sensors, replace the batteries or have them inspected. Replace any faulty ones.

6. Install New Lighting

Changing the indoor lights is often a matter of personal taste, but it might help you feel more at home if the lighting style is familiar and comfortable. As for the outdoor lights, check if all the lights around your home are functioning and adequate.

For safety, add more lights where it gets dark during nightfall. If there are shrubs, hedges, and trees around your property, trimming them can make the surroundings brighter. You can also try installing lights around trees and make it less tempting for intruders to hide behind them.

Moving into a new home should be more joyful than daunting. These tips can make that possible. Follow them and make your new home totally yours; you’ll have a shorter adjustment period, and you might also have fun doing it.

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