5 Ways to Keep Senior Adults Safe and Secure in Their Homes

a senior adult waking up

It’s no secret that as we age, our physical abilities decline. What many people don’t realize is that this also puts us at a greater risk of becoming victims of crime. Seniors are twice as likely to be victims of crime as any other age group.

This is especially true if the senior lives alone. Fortunately, there are steps we can take to help keep them safe and secure in their homes. Here are five of the most important ones.

Let senior adults know that they should ask for help if they need it

Some seniors may need assistance with household tasks like cooking, cleaning, shopping, or managing medications. If you know someone who could use the help of another person, make sure they know it’s okay to ask.

It’s also a good idea to get in touch with a home care agency to ensure the senior members of the family receive professional help when they need it. Aside from taking care of their health, the agency should also help them with their basic needs, including taking care of the home.

People often think that as we age, our ability to remember things declines as well. While this may be true for some people as they get older, many remain sharp well into their later years. Let senior adults know that if they need help with something, it’s not a sign of weakness to ask for it.

Senior adults should keep emergency numbers stored in their cell phones

When you are growing older, it can be harder to remember important things like your phone number or the names of your children. Keep all of this information stored in your cell phone so that even if you can’t remember anymore, help is just a press of a button away.

In this situation, senior adults should keep their cell phones on them at all times. Having a cell phone can make it much easier to get help in an emergency or just for someone to contact you if they need something. Keep the senior’s cell phone by their side so that they always have access to it. This way, even if they’re not completely sharp mentally, they’ll be able to find it if the need arises.

Be sure senior adults create a secure network of people that can help them

senior adults talking together

It’s often advised for seniors to move in with family members as they grow older, as friends and neighbors aren’t always around when you need them. However, there may be some who do not have a family they can rely on.

If you know a senior adult who is living alone, make sure they create a network of people that can help them in case of an emergency. This could be friends, relatives, the police department, the fire department, or any other person or agency they can trust.

In addition to this, seniors should also have a backup plan in case their phone line goes down. This can be especially helpful during storms when the power often goes out.

Find out which security system is worth installing and make arrangements to have one put up

Aside from having a mobile phone on them at all times, it’s also helpful for senior adults to have a security system in place as well. This way, if someone does break into the home, they can call the police and alert them of the danger.

Seniors must conduct some research before installing this type of security system. Not all the options available are going to be beneficial, and some may even end up being a waste of money. For example, a security system that requires monthly payments may not be useful as seniors should only have to pay for it once.

Finally, senior adults need to make sure they have a weather radio on hand during emergencies, especially when there is severe thunderstorm activity in the area.

Senior adults should try resuming their old hobbies

As we grow older, our bodies aren’t quite as flexible as they used to be. However, this doesn’t mean we can no longer do the things we enjoy doing. While some senior adults may be too old to ride a bike, they can always stroll around the neighborhood and take their dogs for walks.

Senior adults who love the garden may find that it’s difficult on their knees, but there are many other ways they can put their green thumbs to work as well. Planting flowers by the front door is a good idea, and senior adults could also volunteer at community gardens to get their hands dirty.

Senior adults should try to engage in their old hobbies as a way to keep their minds active and sharp. This could be something as simple as taking a walk around the neighborhood, going for a bike ride, or planting flowers by the front door. If they’re not able to do these things themselves, they can always volunteer at community gardens. Engaging in activities that we love helps keep us happy and healthy, both mentally and physically. What are some of your favorite hobbies? How have you been able to continue doing them as you’ve gotten older?

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