Enhancing Accessibility and Convenience in Commercial Buildings – For Business Owners

commercial establishment
  • Install ramps and handrails to make buildings more accessible for people with mobility impairments.
  • Place signage around the building in easy-to-see locations featuring symbols, text, and Braille.
  • Install automatic doors at entrances and other locations to provide convenience for customers with disabilities.
  • Elevators are essential for buildings with multiple levels to ensure easy access for everyone.
  • Install accessible restrooms that meet ADA requirements, including the proper width of doors and slip-resistant flooring.

In today’s fast-paced business world, accessibility and convenience are critical factors for any commercial property. Business owners need to ensure that their property is easily accessible to everyone, no matter their ability or disability.

By making your commercial property more accessible, business owners can improve customer satisfaction, increase foot traffic, boost sales, and improve their company’s reputation. In this blog, you will learn essential tips for enhancing accessibility and convenience in commercial buildings.

Install Ramps and Handrails

Installation of ramps and handrails is essential for individuals using wheelchairs, crutches, or other assistive devices. A ramp leading to the entrance of the building will make it easier for people with mobility impairments to access the building.

Similarly, handrails will help people with mobility impairments to move around easily. Business owners must ensure that these ramps and handrails are designed to meet the accessibility requirements set out in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


Signage is critical to make your property more accessible. Signs must include symbols, text, and Braille so people with vision and hearing impairments can navigate around the building. Business owners must place signs in an easy-to-see location around the commercial property. These signs not only enhance accessibility but also boost the confidence of people with disabilities. Additionally, signs can provide directions and instructions to visitors.

Automatic Doors


Installing an automatic door operator is a great way to make your commercial property more convenient for customers with disabilities. These devices allow your doors to open automatically when someone approaches them, making it easier for people with mobility issues, individuals carrying bulky items, or parents pushing strollers. Businesses should install automatic doors at the entrance of their building, as well as locations like restroom facilities. You should also ensure that the door operator is installed correctly and works properly.

Audio and Visual Alerts

Business owners must consider audio and visual alert systems to enhance accessibility for customers with communication difficulties. These alerts can be used to indicate when a customer enters or leaves the premises, as well as provide instructions or reminders about safety protocols in place. Audio messaging can also be used to assist customers with vision impairments, alerting them to any changes in the property, such as wet floors or slippery surfaces.


If your commercial property has more than one level, installing an elevator is ideal for improving accessibility. Elevators are especially important for people with mobility impairments or who use wheelchairs, as they provide a more comfortable means of accessing the upper levels of the building. Business owners must ensure that elevators comply with the ADA requirements.

Accessible Restrooms


Having an accessible restroom is crucial. Business owners must install accessible restrooms that meet all ADA requirements. These restrooms must feature the following four things:

A door with the proper width

The proper width of the doors for the accessible restroom should be at least 32 inches. This ensures that people in wheelchairs can enter the restroom with ease.

Proper height of fixtures

Fixtures such as lavatories and toilets must be installed at the proper height so they are accessible to everyone regardless of their ability or disability. You must follow the ADA requirements when installing these fixtures.

Grab bars

Grab bars are essential for people with mobility impairments or who use wheelchairs. These bars provide support and stability to prevent falls. Business owners must install grab bars in all accessible restrooms so users can move around safely.

Proper flooring

The flooring of the accessible restroom must be slip-resistant and adequately leveled. This is essential for people with mobility issues as it reduces the risk of slipping or tripping over uneven surfaces. Make sure to install proper flooring in your commercial property’s accessible restrooms.

By making sure your commercial building’s restrooms are accessible, you are ensuring that your customers and employees can use them with ease and comfort.

By following these tips, business owners can improve the accessibility and convenience of their commercial properties. By making sure your property meets ADA requirements, you are providing a safe and comfortable environment for everyone, regardless of ability or disability.

Additionally, installing automatic doors, ramps, handrails, elevators, and accessible restrooms will make accessing your building easier for people with mobility issues. Ultimately, by improving accessibility in your commercial property, you will create greater customer satisfaction and boost sales.

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