Bring the Natural Elements of Christmas Indoors

Christmas design

Christmas is associated with specific images: candy canes, snow, and Santa Claus. However, not all countries have the geographical luxury to have a white Christmas.

Despite the lack of winter, these countries attained their own unique holiday culture and images. For instance, Venezuela has church-goers who come to church using their roller skates before heading home to celebrate with a generous serving of tamales. In the Philippines, paper lanterns of varying sizes are strewn across towns to light up the dark December skies. Another source of illumination is Colombia’s Dia de las Velitas, a celebration that marks the beginning of Christmas. Colombians light up the candles and lanterns in front of their houses in honor of the Virgin Mary.
When the need for the holiday breeze arises, there is the existence of ice rinks to give people a semblance of winter air. This is why the construction of ground slab for ice rinks is seen in every mall and theme park. Just add a popular Christmas song, then you’ll have your alternative to a white Christmas without the hassle brought by a snowstorm.

Bringing Christmas indoors is not a new concept. It’s been done since the first German Christian thought of placing a decorated tree inside the household—or perhaps, it’s been longer than that. To stay true to the concept of bringing the holiday cheer to your home, here some tips on incorporating nature into your home decorations this Christmas season.

Start simple with evergreens.

Whether it’s fresh or faux, evergreen is one of the plants usually associated with Christmas. If you have plain glass vases displayed at home, you can instantly sprinkle it with holiday glitter by inserting springs of evergreens inside the vases. If you don’t have one at home, purchasing a glass vase is one decoration that can be utilized all year round. You will not regret buying it.

Take advantage of fallen barks and logs.

For that extra warm feeling, you can make use of logs. Stack the logs in a triangular shape near your fireplace. Add a couple of pinecones, and the image will surely be perfect for a poster portraying rustic Christmas decorations. As for the barks, use those who are from fallen branches. You can carve a small spot on top where you can insert a tealight. Use different lengths to give your dining table the shine it deserves.

Use tiny fir trees to save up space.

Christmas tree shopping

If you want to decorate your apartment, you can do so without the need to purchase a tree. You can use clipped greens on egg cups or lush branches in small containers. Insert them in floral foam to recreate the silhouette of a small tree. Remember that it can be done at various heights and numbers. Add some ornaments and lights, so you can have your own mini Christmas trees around your home.

Hang those cinnamon sticks for decoration.

Along with peppermint, people tend to associate the scent of cinnamon with Christmas. You can use your sense of smell to remind you that it’s Christmas time. Of course, you can light up your scented candles, but you can also tie them around the candle, hang them on your wreath, and display them on a bowl for that sweet visual treat.

Whether you’re a mother or a manager thinking of ways on how to create a genuine Christmas atmosphere, remember that bringing natural elements of Christmas indoors is the way to do it. That, and pure bliss.

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