Dealing with a Big Real Estate Development in the Neighborhood

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The influx of real estate developments in communities in recent years is unparalleled. Never have we seen developments this massive. High-rise apartment buildings are sprouting like mushrooms. Suburban areas are welcoming fast-food chains, five-star restaurants, and artisanal cafes like never before. And yet at the back of it all, there is a growing concern that these developments are ruining communities and neighborhoods.

It’s not just the noise the machines from rock breaker suppliers make that causes havoc in a neighborhood. Communities are torn whether to welcome new developments or not. On the one hand, malls and commercial complexes boost the value of surrounding properties. On the other hand, many believe that they also cause the deaths of cultures and traditions of the neighborhood. Taking down a well-loved local diner for a big mall chain? That’s a no-no for community leaders.

Finding a Balance

Those big cranes and heavy machinery can intimidate neighborhoods and communities. They think that real estate developers are intentionally killing their traditions. But with conversations, both sides can strike a balance. Real estate developers need to engage with the community before even beginning construction. They need to listen to their demands and concerns. They need to satisfy any concerns that they might have about the integrity of the building’s structure and what it means for the neighborhood.

Community leaders need to do their share as well. Real estate developments are not always the evil structures that they are made out to be in movies. They do have a point. It means progress. It means boosting the value of your properties. It means creating more jobs. It means investments will pour into your local coffers. It also means convenience. It means more opportunities for you and the generations to follow.

Protests are often held without even holding a dialogue. Developers see community leaders as hippies with their antiquated beliefs. Community leaders see developers as evil blood-sucking entrepreneurs that worship money.

Ask Questions

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Why can’t community leaders see the benefit of high-rise condominium buildings and malls? Why can’t developers lend an ear to the community who’s going to be their market in the future? Asking the right questions will lead to a better understanding of the issues that surround a real estate project.

Community leaders should refocus their energy on making sure that the company is using sustainable materials. They need to demand the company to hire local construction workers. They can even ask for a community center in the development. That can be one of the focal points of their message. A community center will foster camaraderie among the community members. It is good for business.

Be Open to Change

They say that change is the only thing that’s permanent in this world. Real estate developments are part of the change that communities need, whether you realize it or not. Your neighborhood cannot be suspended in time. It needs to progress with the times. It will be better for future generations. You need to embrace the changes that technology brings. Otherwise, future generations will leave town in search of better opportunities.

Real estate developments in the community don’t need to be divisive. With proper dialogue and well-meaning discussions, issues get resolved. Both sides should be open to the concerns that bring them on opposing sides of the spectrum.

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