Home Renovation Mistakes: 7 DIY Don’ts to Remember

Home renovation

It’s fun to do DIY projects. There’s a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment after finishing it. But for us non-professionals, the mistakes can also leave us frustrated—or end up spending more.

Here are seven crucial “don’ts” you should never forget when doing a DIY project.

1. Don’t Be Careless With Measurements

Even the smallest measurement errors can cause the entire project to fail, but this classic DIY mistake is actually very preventable. Be careful when it comes to measuring and marking. This way, you’ll reduce the chances of error. Note that the indicated dimensions of items and materials may be a bit off, so it’s best to check everything yourself. Use the same tape measure or measuring implement throughout the process to maintain measurement consistency. And measure correctly, too: hold the measuring tool straight and always mind the correct angle.

2. Don’t Always Stick With White

White paint is good, as it can be used to mix and match with a wide variety of shades and tones. However, excessively using white, according to specialists, can prove difficult in the long run. Walls and furniture painted white can become dirty very quickly, primarily because of their color. Instead, look for unusual hues, buy sample colors, and experiment with several wallpaper possibilities before settling on white.

3. Don’t Forget to Sand Wood

If you haven’t done a lot of wood projects before, you might not know that sanding the wood down is required before painting, staining, or even varnishing it. This is important to the painting process because it removes the top layer of paint and grime, allowing the paint to permeate the wood. A longer-lasting finish is ensured by proper wood preparation, so make sure to do it right.

4. Don’t Ignore Small Parts

Many DIY projects or kits available in most stores often have really smart parts that play vital roles. Don’t neglect these things, thinking that they’re unimportant! They’re often small pieces of welded metal or custom-molded plastic and have a particular purpose. Set them aside in a safe location to make sure that you won’t lose them. Or put them in a plastic container to know where all the small parts are located.

DIY renovation

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Give It More Time

Beginners frequently make the mistake of not allotting the necessary time to accomplish tasks. During house renovations and other DIY projects, frustrations are common, and as a result, projects often stretch past their projected schedule. Rather than finishing the assignment at the intended time, you can entirely prevent this problem by simply overestimating the time or number of days it will take to do the project. You’ll have more free time by the end of it, and if you ever do take longer, you’ll have more time to work with.

6. Don’t Skimp on Your Budget

Budgeting for your home renovation or a DIY project can prove challenging. Because labor expenses aren’t a concern, many homeowners tend to keep their budgets absolutely low, assuming they just need to buy supplies and nothing more. It’s important to remember that doing a DIY project carries a slew of unintended effects. For example, a dining or kitchen renovation may necessitate spending extra money on eating out or ordering takeout instead. The lack of skill in the actual process also results in needing more than one spare- so you might have to buy more supplies. Make sure your budget is significant, as you don’t want to buy really cheap materials either.

7. Don’t Avoid Protective Gear—Wear Them!

When you’re just sawing off a small piece of wood, hammering a nail or two on a wall, or polishing a surface, you might feel like it’s not essential to wear protective gear. However, a few seconds of negligence is all it takes to send you to the hospital. When working, always use specified safety equipment such as masks (especially when you’re dealing with paint or anything with noxious fumes), goggles for your eyes, thick gloves, and the right shoes. Being prepared is always better than being sorry.

When to Call a Pro

Do you have the skills to work on the project you’re attempting to complete? Many renovation blunders are caused by people trying to chew more than they can handle. Repainting an entire room, for example, is usually not a brilliant idea if you have never even painted a wall before. Carpenters, painters, and other artisans did not acquire all of their skills at once.

This tip should never be overlooked: when in doubt, call a pro. It’s not a knock on your DIY skills, but it’s an honest admittance that you can’t do everything.

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