How to Keep Your Car Safe in Your Home

car parking in a garage

It’s easy to think that your car is safe just because it’s parked at home. You might learn, however, that’s not always the case. There are plenty of hazards and situations that put your car in danger, even if it’s idling in the comfort of your own garage or driveway. Here are some tips to avoid these hazards and keep your vehicle safe at home:

Repair any cracks on the driveway

Cracks and holes in your driveway need to undergo concrete repair as soon as possible. Otherwise, you risk damaging your vehicle when you drive over them. Potholes can lead to serious suspension problems (e.g. misalignment, damage to shock absorbers, cracks on wheel rims, etc.) while sharp debris such as nails or glass could enter these cracks and destroy your tires as it rolls over them.

Organize your garage space

The garage is the safest place to store your car, but only if you keep it neat and organized. Leaving it in disarray with items scattered all over could result in items falling on your car and denting it or scratching it. Meanwhile, items left lying on the floor could potentially puncture your tires. You can avoid all of this by making sure you aren’t overstuffing your garage with too many things. Ensure that you have dedicated storage space for all the tools, lawn equipment, toys, and miscellaneous items you’re going to keep there.

Brighten up the area

If you can’t see your driveway or garage clearly, it’s time to invest in better lighting. Low visibility increases the likelihood of you damaging your car. The general space and any obstructions in the way should be clearly seen at night. Similarly, turn on your headlights and don’t turn them off until you’re sure that you’ve pulled into or out of your garage or driveway safely.

Make use of technology

rearview camera

Your rearview mirror can only show you a limited range of vision, so it’s helpful to install a rearview camera to give you a clearer view of any objects or people in your car’s path as you’re leaving or entering your garage or driveway. Safety bumpers are also useful in helping you avoid pulling too far into your garage and hitting something. A CCTV, a dashcam, and an alarm system is also essential safety feature that you need to have in your home and your car to catch thieves and vandals in the act.

Use common sense

Remove as much temptation to break into your car as possible by not leaving any valuables in it. You can also shield your car with a car cover so that nobody can see it. It’ll also slow down any potential criminals from keying your car or vandalizing it with graffiti. Before you leave your car parked, use common sense and always make sure your doors are locked and the windows are closed. Most incidents of auto theft are opportunistic, so it’s important to eliminate as many weak spots as you can find.

As these tips prove, just a bit of effort and planning can go a long way when it comes to keeping your car safe in your home.

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