On Your Own: Getting Ready for a Solo Road Trip

woman driving

A road trip is a popular vacation activity that involves packing family or friends into a car and heading out and hitting the road. There’s a sense of adventure that comes with the trip, and it improves your relationships and creates wonderful memories.

Setting out on a solo road trip spanning multiple days and thousands of miles has been popularized in movies and TV shows. However, not everyone is willing to go out on their own due to worries about it being boring, dangerous, and lonely.

Several solo travelers, on the other hand, attest to several benefits that come with traveling on their own: having the freedom to go and do anything you want, being able to meet new friends, and learning how to step out of their comfort zone.

Planning for a Solo Trip

When you’ve decided a solo road trip is your best bet, first thing’s first: know where to go. Have a loose idea of major sights and places you want to see and create an itinerary around that. Determine where you want to stay, whether it’s in a hotel or the outdoors. If you’re bringing a recreational vehicle (RV) instead of a car, research on possible camping grounds.

Have your car or RV checked before heading out. Bring your vehicle to a licensed mechanic to get it serviced. Check your tires and get an oil change to cover all bases before you hit the road.

Getting yourself and your car insured protects your finances when an emergency happens. Look for auto insurance and personal insurance packages that cover you, whether you are in Charlotte, North Carolina or Los Angeles, California.

Even if you’re on the road on your own, find a contact person—a friend, parent, or spouse—and inform them where you’re going, when you expect to arrive there, and other relevant information. Make sure to check in with your contact person every so often to let them know that you’re safe.

Road Trip Essentials

Before heading out the road, make sure you’re equipped with the following:

  • Back-up electronics

Bring back-ups for vital electronics such as cell phone batteries and chargers. Take out an old phone, charge it, and place it inside your glove box for emergencies. The last thing you want to happen is for you to lose your modes of communication while being stranded in the middle of the road.

  • Emergency Kit

Always pack an emergency kit that includes a first-aid kit, blankets, and roadside hazard assistance. If the worst happens, you’ll be prepared until help comes.

  • Food and Drinks


Stock up on ample non-perishable food and water on hand in case you go miles without a stop. Pack water and sodas in a cooler, and avoid salty snacks as these will only dehydrated you.

  • Entertainment

Driving for long hours with nothing but the scenery to interest you can make you bored and sleepy. It’s not recommended to talk to someone on the phone while driving, so stock up your phone with audiobooks, podcasts, and your favorite music to avoid drowsiness.

Although most road trips are taken by pairs or groups, this type of vacation can also be fun when you get away by yourself. Since you’re the driver, navigator, and entertainment, make sure to be prepared so that you’re safe, on track, and enjoying your time on the road.

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