Preparing for Winter: 5 Reasons to Winterise Your Sprayer

Tractor spraying pesticide in a farm

Farm equipment does not come cheap. It is a long-term investment, and regular maintenance is essential to keep it running. The winter season requires vigilance as the harsh weather takes a toll on the equipment. Taking good care of the equipment ensures that you are ready to start off the next season without glitches. Part of this includes winterising farm sprayers. It involves thorough cleaning of the components to eliminate chemical residue as well as getting rid of dirt on the outside. This is then followed by a thorough inspection to identify if any parts need repair or replacement. After everything is okay, the antifreeze application is done, and the equipment is stored in a dry place. In case you are wondering why winterising your equipment is necessary, below are the reasons:

Extends Its Life

Long duration use exposes sprayers to corrosive chemicals that easily cause damage to the different components. Removing the chemicals before temperatures drop ensures that the fittings are protected from this damage. To add on to this, the freezing weather subjects sprayers to frost damage. Leaving water components in them increases their susceptibility to damage from frozen water. Antifreeze pushes out any water residuals and protects the sprayers against frost. These routine procedures allow equipment to last longer.

Minimises Downtime Over Spring

Generally, doing repairs as soon as they occur prevents the issues from escalating to bigger and more expensive problems. A significant step before using antifreeze is to inspect the machine for possible defects. This includes general wear and tear, cracking, leaking hoses and pumps, and filters. Any of these issues is then fixed. Servicing your equipment and carrying out repairs before spring will reduce unscheduled downtime and emergency breakdowns. With fully functional equipment, scheduled applications are done on time, so maximum revenue potential is attained.

Boosts Efficiency

Working with faulty equipment can be disastrous. It can lead to wastage resulting from spillages, and it can take longer in accomplishing specific tasks. Also, sprayers handle strong chemicals. The residue is easier to remove before it hardens. If this is not done, and as a result there is contamination upon the next use, it can harm crops and result in a massive loss. Therefore, sprayer contamination is best avoided. This is easily achieved by cleaning out the equipment appropriately. This ensures that there is no contamination for the crops as well as handlers.

Enhances Safety

Man spraying insecticide

Storing your sprayer equipment safely after carrying out all the processes and applying antifreeze prevents any damage resulting from the freezing temperatures. Removable parts are also kept safe. This way, they remain well-protected and ready for use in spring. A machine in good working condition will also deliver good results in addition to keeping those handling it safe.

As a farming business entity, you should strive to enhance productivity, safety, and quality. Doing equipment maintenance at the end of the fall season gives you enough time to do it comprehensively. This keeps your equipment running for the rest of the season without issues. When preparing your equipment for storage, follow manufacturer guidelines on maintenance procedures. Taking this precaution will ensure that your warranty remains valid and that you do not carry out procedures that may jeopardise the equipment’s functionality.

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