Why Hi-Visibility in Safety Garments?

Construction worker

If you work in the building and construction industry, you appreciate pretty well how much safety should remain a priority. It is good that you have your other methods to facilitate safety. But, high-visibility products rank among the most commonly used safety items. Typically, that is because these hi-vis items are not as costly as are other personal protection equipment.

Sometimes, all that you will need is a road safety flag and safety vests to meet industry standards for worksite safety. So, why not get this right the first time, and always?

The Cost of Ignorance

You can read this in two ways. Either you ignore what you should do to keep your worksite safe, or you do not know the particular ways that you can keep your worksite safe. The former case is more of your choice, but, with proper guidance, you can address the latter. It is on that that this article will be of significant help. So, here: Whenever you are considering safety garments to use in your place of work, you will find the following elements quite critical:

High Visibility

Construction workers looking at their laptop

The primary purpose of having the right safety garments is to keep all your workers, as well as visitors, in sight even at night. Therefore, ensure you choose bright colours like yellow, orange and green for the main clothing. The glowing strips on the garment can either mimic the same colour as your main clothing or be plain white or silver. The aim here is to ensure that every person that is in your worksite has highly visible garments. Remember also to insist that everyone replaces worn out hi-vis clothing once they begin showing signs of wear.


Not only should the colour be a major concern when choosing your safety garments but also should the materials and size of these hi-vis products. You want to ensure that every worker is comfortable in their safety garments. Avoid loose hi-vis clothing too as that can cause unnecessary worksite accidents or even death. In case of emergency, every worker should be able to remove their safety garments and clear other hi-vis products with ease. Smart fasteners like zippers and Velcro can be of great help here. You can discuss with your safety garment manufacturer to determine the right design to meet these requirements.

You also should train your workers well to recognise what different colours mean in your worksite’s safety regulations. While there are universal meanings of safety colours, you can add yours to enhance the safety of your worksite.

Conclusion: Safety in Worksites is Key

During emergencies, there is barely little time to take note of workers. Proper safety garments will keep the worker in view and help rescue workers locate them quickly whenever there are accidents. Even at night, hi-vis items, including road safety flags, will help drivers avert an accident because the driver can see the safe areas to drive on. It is, therefore, important that you have it as a requirement for all workers and visitors to put their safety garments on at all times. This way, it will be easier to identify any unauthorised in your site.

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