
piles of shipment boxes

What You Need to Know When Investing in a Dropship Supplier

Choosing a dropship supplier means committing your business to them. You need to pick one you can trust to deliver high quality items to your customers, and provide great support and service. Bug before you settle for a dropshipping company, you have to know the following. Wholesaler and manufacturer Usually, you can get the products […]

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Corporate Checklist

A Personal and Corporate Checklist Before You Expand Your Business

Expanding your business is as crucial as launching it. Just because the business is already in existence, it doesn’t mean that it will not require the same careful research and preparation it took you and your team to build it from scratch. Perhaps, your supply space is no longer enough, to the point that you have

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brand written in a notebook with marketing icons

Brand Identity Building Strategies

Regardless of the niche you are in, and you’ll need to stand out. A strong brand identity allows you to achieve this goal and others. A distinct characteristic, coupled with an excellent unique selling proposition will enable you to reach a top-of-mind position with your intended audience. Experts from advertising agencies here in Kansas City cite the

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active office

How to Reinvent Your Office Space for More Productive Workstations

Research shows that an alarmingly low rate of only 33% of workers is actively engaged in their work. The rest are distracted by things such as lack of space, noise, lack of visuals, bad air quality, and unpleasant colours and textures. All of these things factor into why workers are less productive when they are

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entrepreneur working in a coffee shop

Anatomy of Accomplishment: 3 Must-Have Traits to Succeed as an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs come in different shapes and sizes. Some are innovators, reinventing the way things are and re-introducing fresh ideas to the public. Others are imitators, building on what’s already existing. And then there are visionaries, thought leaders, and world-changers. What’s interesting is, despite differences in perspectives, strategies, and career paths, all successful entrepreneurs share the

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close up photo of oranges in an orchard

Upgrade Your Orchard with Modern Technology

Traditional orchards and modern technology make an unlikely combination. However, you need technology to keep your farm up-to-date and remain competitive. With Brexit just around the corner, technology can somewhat make up for the loss of workers and increase your orchard’s overall efficiency. Drones for Mapping and Assessment A bird’s-eye view of your orchard can

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Plastic bottles and containers of products

A Material World: The Basics of Plastic

Plastic is literally everywhere. It’s a leading material in the manufacturing and packaging of many day-to-day goods. Almost all industries use plastic for their products — often, in the form of disposable packages. However, volumes of plastic are also used in the production of construction tools, medical equipment and scientific instruments, residential furniture and furnishings,

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