Reasons For Presenteeism at Work

Stressed employees in the workplace

Have you ever had an employee come into work even when they weren’t feeling well? Has someone stayed late even when their shift was finished? Chances are, you’ve seen presenteeism at work in some form. While there may be some culture of “working hard” that encourages this behavior, the truth is that presenteeism can harm your business. It costs the U.S. economy about ten times more than absenteeism. Read on to learn about presenteeism and how it affects your workplace.

What Is Presenteeism?

Presenteeism is when an employee comes to work despite not feeling well or being unable to perform as they would if they were in total health.

The problem with presenteeism is that it can be hard to detect. An employee present for work may not outwardly appear to be ill or underperforming, but their productivity can suffer from a lack of focus and energy. The actual cost of presenteeism lies in the fact that it decreases the overall performance of your business.

Reasons For Presenteeism

There are many known reasons for presenteeism. Here are some of the most common:

Poor Physical Health and Mental Well-Being

When an individual’s physical or mental well-being is not optimal, it can decrease productivity and efficiency at work. For example, when an employee is dealing with poor health or mental distress, they may be physically present at work but unable to accomplish much due to a lack of focus or energy. This can lead to errors in judgment, missed deadlines, and a general decrease in morale for everyone in the workplace. To minimize this presenteeism, employers should make sure that their employees have healthy working conditions and access to resources that help maintain physical and mental well-being, such as ergonomic office furniture, wellness programs, and Employee Assistance Programs (EAP).

Poor Oral Health

Oral health can affect how well an individual performs daily. For example, poor oral hygiene has been linked to various problems such as fatigue, headaches, difficulty concentrating, and low self-esteem.

Employees with poor oral health may be more likely to come to work despite feeling unwell due to embarrassment or discomfort from untreated dental issues. Therefore, employers should ensure their employees have access to general dentistry services, such as cleaning and check-ups. Furthermore, if an employee does have a dental issue, employers should offer to cover the cost of any necessary treatment. Once you start doing these things, you should notice less presenteeism in your work place.

Struggling employees at work

Stressful Work Environment

If employees feel overworked or overwhelmed by their job duties, it can lead them to disengage from the workplace and cause a decrease in overall performance levels. A stressful work environment can also cause employees to become more prone to making mistakes on the job due to increased levels of anxiety or frustration with the workload. Therefore, an employer needs to be mindful of how much pressure they are putting on their employees and ensure that there is ample time for breaks during the day so that employees can take a few moments away from their desks if needed. Additionally, employers should ensure that their staff has access to resources such as meditation apps or counseling services that could help reduce stress levels while on the job.

Lack Of Motivation

When an individual lacks motivation at work, it can decrease productivity. This could be caused by anything from feeling undervalued by management or colleagues, boredom with daily tasks, or having no clear career path within the organization. Employers need to provide opportunities for growth within the company so that employees feel valued and motivated; this could involve offering internal promotion opportunities or providing mentorship programs where experienced staff members can mentor other employees.

How Does Presenteeism Impact Your Business?

When employees come to work despite not being at their best, it can lead to decreased productivity and quality of work. This can result in mistakes that could cost your business money in terms of materials wasted or time spent fixing errors. It can also create safety risks if employees perform tasks requiring concentration and precision while not feeling well. Furthermore, employees suffering from presenteeism are more likely to become exhausted or burned out, leading to higher absenteeism rates. Lastly, allowing presenteeism sends a message that it’s okay for employees to ignore their own needs to fulfill their duties which could lead to long-term health problems.

Presenteeism can have severe implications for your business, so address it before it becomes a problem. Taking measures can help protect your staff’s well-being and the success of your business!

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